Florentine Holiday.

Hi friends! So I’m back home after my last adventure of the year, with some outfits for you! These are all from Florence, because once I got to Venice for the film festival I abandoned all hope of looking half-decent due to the humidity, and the fact that I was working which means it seemed a little ridiculous to ask one of my colleagues to take a photo of me every day!
The Tatty Devine unicorn necklace you see here is the subject of much public interest! I ran into a pizzeria in Venice to ask for a plaster as someone I was working with had cut her foot, but before I could even get the words out, the waiter I asked was complimenting me on my neckwear. I’d been wanting a large Tatty Devine necklace for a while; something I could put with plainer outfits to make them a bit more fun. I think this does the trick!
Top : New Look
Skirt : Topshop
Sandals : New Look
Belt : Primark
Sunglasses : Ray Ban
Necklace : Tatty Devine
Ring : H&M
(nails are Models Own in Aciiied)
Still getting my legs out! I really am sticking to this as a “lifestyle choice”, even though as you can see, my legs are so pale as to basically be transparent. So what! Just because I don’t have bronzed Italian limbs it doesn’t make my chubby pale arms and legs any less delightful.
Bed jacket : Primark
Vest dress : H&M
Sandals : New Look
This is my favourite Florence outfit, methinks. I really liked this dress on the hanger, but when I wore it for the first time I wasn’t sure about it. I packed it for Florence anyway, and when I put it on for a day of sightseeing and culture, I felt instantly wonderful! I love the neckline, and the colours are so beautiful. Good old Primark.
Dress : Primark
Sandals : New Look
Men’s fashion ahoy! Mark is not particularly photogenic (sorry!) so I decided it was more effort than it was worth to snap him every day. Here’s one outfit where he looked particularly stylish.
Polo shirt : Uniqlo
Shorts : Cos

Shoes : Jones

Glasses : Ray Ban
And I couldn’t post without including a beautiful photo taken from the Ponte Vecchio. It just wouldn’t be right.
A perfect holiday, I say! Hope you approve of my hot weather European fashion choices! Normal service will resume from now on as I’m back on home turf with international film festivals behind me for the year.

5 Replies to “Florentine Holiday.”

  1. That Tatty Devine is so quirky and fun! I wish I have the guts to wear such big necklace, but ah well.. & the Primark dress looks absolutely lovely on you!

  2. Gold stars to both of you! You pull off pastels surprisingly well for such a dark complexion! I love the bed jacket on you. Purrrrfect.

  3. You both look great, I love the Primark dress! Only you could pull that off so well! x

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