Here are some things that have made September nice for me.
This Must Be the Place
I’m lucky enough to be accredited press for the London Film Festival. I’ve managed to see three films this week (The Future, Take Shelter, and this) and by far the best was This Must Be the Place. There’s no indication as to when it’s coming out in the UK, which makes me even more glad I’ve seen it.
Key points are : Sean Penn playing a faded rock star / looking like the Cure’s Robert Smith, hunting a Nazi death camp guard across America. It features the single best musical number I’ve seen in any film ever. Go see (if it ever comes out).
I’ve never been very good at sport or exercise. I’ve gone through phases of gym membership and daily attempts at running, but they’ve never been particularly long-lasting, and more importantly, they’ve never been particularly enjoyable. I’ve never found a form of exercise that suited me before. Until now! I joined the University of London Union sports facility, and have been hittin’ the pool on the regular. I’m pretty sold on swimming. 40 lengths of a 33 metre pool = a pretty good way to spend 45 minutes.
An Argument With Myself – Jens Lekman
Jens Lekman is easily my favourite solo artist these days. He’s wonderful in every way and makes me laugh and cry and swoon and pine. And he has a new EP out. This song from the EP is bloody brilliant and shows what delightfully loveable songs Mr Lekman writes. His gig at Heaven on October 17th will be the highlight of my month.

London Fashion Week
Yes, it was scary at times, but I weathered the storm and came out of LFW with some great experiences under my belt. I saw some great shows, my favourite of which was probably Issa. They finished off with this amazing look in their Rio carnival-themed show- how foxy?!
People liking my blog
Obviously my world was totally rocked when I got nominated for a Cosmo Blog Award! Voting is open until Monday 17th October, so please spread the word if you like the ol’ Eyebrow. I’m nominated in the Student Blog category, and just make sure there’s a little green tick by my blog’s name in my section!
Going back to school
So, this year is my final year of BA French at UCL. I miss my friends, I miss exercising my brain, I miss stationery. Classes start on Monday and obviously I’ve already stocked up on ~cool Muji stuff~ to write on / with. Wish me luck!