Sometimes I get an idea in my head so unshakeable that I’m single-minded in my pursuit to see it through. These jeans were one such idea. I’d seen them online, tried them on instore, loved them, decided I couldn’t justify buying them, spent all subsequent time pining for them, until I received a windfall from my grandad at the weekend which I decided I had to put to ‘good use’ and get the jeans.
I met a friend for a drink in the evening and showed him the item in question : ‘… I’ve never seen anything like that before’, which was at least better than Luba’s reaction (she took the photos), namely : ‘what possessed you to buy these?’
They’re fun, they’re frivolous, they fit excellently, they bring the promise of summer, they’re deliciously ’80s, they’re high-waisted, and most importantly, I love them.
Screw the haters!