The Times They Are A-Changin’.

When I bought this skirt, it was in the logic that I liked my burnt orange one so much that I wanted one I could wear in more wintery climes. The problem was that I felt I had no appropriate tops for it, but then I found this! It’s totally rad and kind of metallic-y, which means I have decided it is chainmail. 
Last night I used Scott Cornwall ColourB4 to strip the dye out of my hair, and this is what I was left with! It’s the remnants of when I was ginger earlier in the summer (thanks to Annabel for that photo!). It’s now left me with a golden brown that I’m crazy about. Ever since I saw a)  the Charles Anastase SS11 models and b) Anne Bancroft in one of my favourite films, ‘The Graduate’ I’ve been in the mood for a classy brown. Hope you like it, I know I do!
Metallic jumper : H&M
Skirt : Topshop
Boots : Evans
Necklace : This Charming Girl
Lipstick : MAC in Ruby Woo, with MAC Redd lipliner.
Nails : Models Own in Lilac Dream
I think I need to do a ‘hairvolution’ post; just writing this has made me realise how many colours/styles I’ve gone through!

7 Replies to “The Times They Are A-Changin’.”

  1. Your hair looks great! I'm loving my brown hair at the moment, but the appearance of a few greys and the feeling that I want a change are making me think about going red…x

  2. I love it! So elegant. Very glam goth look you're rocking here.

  3. good hair and srsly LOVE this outfit on you, think it's my fave so far! babelicious etc

  4. It's lovely! Also, I like your chainmail top. I have a fob watch necklace that, aged 29, I occasionally pretend the glass window of is a monocle. clothes cam be what you want them to be!

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