Skirting The Issue.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: HAPPY FRIDAY! There ain’t nothing as happy as a Friday. I’ll also begin by saying that if you would kindly go here —> put in your email address —> go to ‘Student Blog’ category —> click ‘vote for blog’ on Arched Eyebrow —> make sure it has a little green tick by my blog’s name —> help me win a Cosmo Blog Award! 
I seem to have spent half my life waiting for a sensibly-lengthed, unpatterned, single-colour skirt to come along and it feels as if this year is my year. I got this skirt for a fiver in the Dorothy Perkins sale and I’m loving it. It fits perfectly, comes below my knee and doesn’t puff out too much. I wore this ensemble to meet my darling friend Frankie (who draws and paints me awesome things because he is a cool artist) and his wonderful mother, and we went to see some beautiful art by Isis Olivier which looked like this but more beautiful.
When Beth and I went outside to take my outfit photos, I spied our housemate Marianna out of the window so I gave her a regal wave. Aren’t I regal? No, not really.

Blouse : Topshop
White vest : Topshop
Skirt : Dorothy Perkins
Shoes : Evans
Face : Urban Decay Supercurl mascara, Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation, Benefit Bella Bamba blusher, Revlon lipstick in Stormy Pink, Benefit Brow Zings.
I realise I’ve got really bad at accessorizing lately (ie, I do not accessorize anymore), so give me a gentle slap on the wrist if you continue to see me without adornment in subsequent posts…

9 Replies to “Skirting The Issue.”

  1. Love that outfit, especially the blouse. I voted for you! xx

  2. Beth i just adore that hair colour on you!! Definitely a regal outfit!

  3. If you're not wearing twenty necklaces tomorrow I will PUNCH YOU. I won't really.
    That skirt is amazing. A fiver? How did I miss this?!

  4. love this outfit so so much!!

  5. Gorgeous skirt. It is SO difficult to find one that's just the right length and a bit flared. Love it with the blouse too!

  6. Just found your blog while browsing the Cosmo nominees, I love it! You look lovely in this post, think I might need that lipstick, today. Best of luck for the blog award, you have my vote! xxx

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